India’s Major Cities: Mumbai

Name: Mumbai

Population: Roughly 20 million

Significance: Business and finance hub

Mumbai as the Gateway to India

In the past 10 years, Mumbai has exploded with people and development, catapulting it to become one of India’s most influential cities. Some estimate that Mumbai, formerly called Bombay, will become the world’s most populous city by 2020.

As the “Gateway to India,” Mumbai is widely known as the country’s business center and financial capital. People from all over India come to the city in search of better opportunities. 65 percent of Mumbai is age 35 or under. In this bustling city, you can find billionaires and luxurious shopping centers. But in close proximity there are slums with the poorest of the poor.

It is estimated that nearly every one of India’s unengaged, unreached people groups (UUPGs) have someone living in Mumbai. Imagine what could happen if people from each of these UUPGs heard the gospel and believed. Mumbai could be a sending hub for Indians to go back to their people groups and share the good news of Jesus Christ. Will you pray for Mumbai?

Pray for the Unreached

Pray for those who come to Mumbai in search of a better life to hear the gospel and find eternal life through Jesus Christ. Also, pray for Indian believers and Christian workers to reach people from the UUPGs with the gospel and have opportunities to train the new believers to go back to their own people.

During Secret Church 16: A Global Gospel in a World of Religions, we will spend focused time in prayer for India. For example, its cities, people, and persecuted church. Join us as we ask the Lord to strengthen the church in India and bring more Indians into the Kingdom of God. To register for the Secret Church simulcast, click here.

Radical’s Secret Church is a unique, one-night event that is streamed online to more than 50,000 participants around the world.


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