How a Vietnamese Believer Used Business to Share the Gospel

On the evening of April 24, thousands of people gathered to participate in the Secret Church simulcast. Part of our time together that Friday night included praying for Vietnam, both persecuted believers and unreached people groups. As we prayed though, it wasn’t Friday night in Vietnam. It was Saturday morning – 12 hours ahead of Secret Church. Here is an awesome story from that Saturday morning in Vietnam. Thank you for praying.

While thousands of people were praying for Vietnam during Secret Church, Beth*, a Vietnamese believer, went to deliver a business order at the home of one of her customers. While there, she felt the Holy Spirit leading her to get to know this woman better. As Beth listened, she learned that the woman was going through a very difficult time since her husband lost his job and began drinking. She was so sad and hopeless. The Holy Spirit was working in the heart of this woman. Beth shared the Good News of Jesus Christ with her and she believed! Thank you for praying! Please lift up this new believer as Beth meets with her weekly to disciple her. Also, pray that her husband will believe.

* Name has been changed

For more on Vietnam and how you can pray for the people there. We’re still in the middle of our May prayer emphasis and would love you to join.

Jonathan Lenning is the General Manager of Sales at Cottage Supply Company in Birmingham, Alabama. He previously worked on staff at Radical.


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