God’s Word to the World: Heart Language Bible Recordings

Can you imagine never hearing or reading the life-changing truths of Scripture, except in a foreign tongue? How well could you really understand it? What key concepts, commands, and promises might you miss? Wouldn’t it be easy to assume that the “Big-G” God of the Bible was only a “little-g” god of another culture?

God of Every Culture

Well, believers know that our God is the Sovereign Lord and Creator of every culture. He wants to be known by every person. But how can that happen when hundreds of millions of people still don’t know that He speaks their language?

Because everyone should have effective access to God’s Word, Faith Comes By Hearing records and freely provides Audio Scriptures in the languages of the world. Our ultimate goal is to do everything possible so that ALL people – especially those lacking the resources to own a Bible, the ability to read, or the right to practice Christianity openly – can experience the eternity-altering Word of God in their heart language.

Importance Of Bible Translation In One’s Heart-Language

Bible translators have long realized the importance of getting God’s Word to people in the language they know best. It allows them to grasp the meaning of Scripture in all its fullness and make truly informed spiritual decisions. Nelson Mandela expressed the concept well: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands – that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language – that goes to his heart.”

Thankfully, Scripture translation is now progressing at a historic rate, but there’s still much to do. Even those from smaller people groups who have received enough schooling to become literate in a trade language are rarely literate in their own tongue – and they maintain a strong preference for oral communication. This is why we come alongside translators and help them get God’s Word into audio.

We believe that people who can’t (or won’t) read the Bible deserve to receive it in a format they can actually use. Language communities around the world are unknowingly enslaved to the darkness of false religion. Their desperate souls crave truth and hope. Help us provide them all with the chance to choose Christ through your support for heart language Bible recordings.

The above post is from Faith Comes By Hearing, a Counter Culture ministry partner. 

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