A Prayer for Gospel Advance Among the Peoples of Vietnam

We remember the unreached and our brothers and sisters in Vietnam through prayer. We pray for the spread of the Gospel in Vietnam.

Prayer for the Gospel Advancement in Vietnam

Our Father in heaven,

We confess that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation, to the Jew, to the Greek, and to the peoples of Vietnam. We ask that you might open the hearts of many Vietnamese who have never heard of Jesus so that they might repent and believe. Have mercy on the peoples of Vietnam, and turn rebels into servants of the Most High God. May these precious people look in faith to the Lord Jesus and receive the free gift of eternal life. How we long to hear of their conversion!

To that end, we ask that you might send workers into this harvest field. Raise up men and women, singles and families, for the purpose of making our Savior Jesus known. May Christ continue to build his church, among the unreached and the reached peoples of Vietnam. Provide the resources and the opportunities, we ask, for the proclamation of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Bless your people that they might be a blessing.

Our desire is that Jesus would be given the glory He is due from the peoples of Vietnam. Cause the gospel to prevail over idolatry and unbelief. Please do it, we pray, for glory of the One who died to purchase peoples from every tribe, tongue, people, and language.

In the name of Jesus,


David Burnette serves as the Senior Editor for Radical. He lives with his wife and three kids in Birmingham, Alabama, and he serves as an elder at Philadelphia Baptist Church. He received his Ph.D. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.


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